Angry Neighbor IIIPA

Triple IPA






We’ve all had ‘em. That neighbor who just can’t be happy and aims to make your life difficult! Maybe they constantly blow their yard clippings into your yard, or they park their cars in front of your house rather than their own, or even worse….maybe they call the cops on you when you’re hosting a family barbecue! Who knows what makes them who they are and why they do what they do. All we know is that they can easily suck the joy out of your life!! So we brewed a beer, not in honor of, but BECAUSE of the angry neighbor! This beer is big, badass, and packs a whallup! Perfect for helping you forget your neighbor. Brewed with 2 Row and Victory Malts the backbone is solid and rich. Hops are Pahto, Simcoe, Centennial, and Citra. At 9.0% ABV and 118 IBU, all we can say is cheers and we hope this helps ease your pain of having an angry neighbor!

Food Pairing:

Pairs perfectly with spicy wings, strong blue cheeses, and rich desserts like chocolate cake.

Beer Novice? Meet

Angry Neighbor IIIPA


Deep golden with a slight haze, like honey.


Big and bold with intense hop flavors and a strong malty backbone.

Alcohol Content:

High, providing a noticeable warming sensation.


Extremely high; a brew for those who love a powerful hop kick.


2-Row Malt, Victory Malt, Pahto Hops, Simcoe Hops, Centennial Hops, Citra Hops.